We are happy to help you with:
Minor illnesses (chest infections, mild difficulties in breathing, abdominal pain, possible UTI, reduced mobility, dizziness, cellulitis, cough, swollen legs, feeling weak, confused, sick, not drinking or eating)
Minor injuries (injuries assessment, ruling out fractures – if obvious, falls assessment)
Falls (within last 48 hrs with no obvious injury but still feeling unwell)
Cardiovascular (presentation of cardiac problems excluding chest pains)
Exacerbation of COPD, asthma and heart failure
Diabetes patients
Palliative Care (with chest infections, UTIs)
Care home residents
Exclusion criteria
Obvious fractures
Palliative patients with a problem related to the primaty condition
Head injury and anticoagulation treatment
Dermatology (unless acute)
Severe problems with breathing
Chronic mental health
Chest pains
Reporting back to surgery available via: EMIS, email, live report (WhattsUp, Messenger, Skype) including vital signs and pictures – if allowed